A weekly programming podcast.

Update Caution

Episode Notes

On this episode Michael discusses the following topics.

Challenge Results


import feedparser

def parse_rss_feed(url): feed = feedparser.parse(url) titles = [] for entry in feed.entries: titles.append(entry.title) return titles rss_url = "" titles = parse_rss_feed(rss_url) for title in titles: print(title)

Shell Script

hash !/bin/sh rss_url="" titles=$(curl -s "$rss_url" | xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//item/title" -v . -n) echo "Titles:" echo "$titles"


Michael discusses whether to update a project's sdk or APIs to newer or updated versions. For example, going from UIKit to SwiftUI.

Providing Feedback

Use the hashtag #ProgrammaticPod to leave us feedback. You can email me at [email protected], and you can find Michael all over the web at mikedoise.

2023 Michael DOise